Cathedral of Saint Helena

Listen to homilies from the Cathedral of Saint Helena.

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July 28, 2024


Homily by Fr. Marc

Father Marc emphasizes the importance of understanding John chapter 6 for every Catholic, as it reveals the significance of scripture and our relationship with Christ. Father highlights the feeding of the 5,000, illustrating Jesus’s ability to provide abundantly despite human limitations. This act serves as a metaphor for our own lives; we may feel inadequate, but what little we have is essential and can be transformed by God. The message encourages us to offer our small gifts to God, trusting in His ability to multiply them. Ultimately, it stresses that the greatest hunger—our desire for God—is fulfilled in the Eucharist, where Jesus offers Himself as true sustenance.

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 13 MB - Duration: 14:02m (129 kbps 44100 Hz)

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